Risk-Based Vulnerability Prioritization and Management

Shift your remediation focus to where it’s most crucial with a platform that not only detects vulnerabilities for all assets but also prioritizes them based on their threat impact to the organization.

Visualization of the OrdrAI Risk-Based Vulnerability Prioritization and Management Platform

Respondents on asset visibility issues



45% of professionals agree that lack of common view of assets across security and IT teams causes vulnerability patching delays.

Respondents say vulnerability prioritization is an issue



Failure to prioritize vulnerabilities is an issue. Risk-based prioritization help teams focus on the right ones for the business

percent fewer breaches with risk-based vulnerability



80% of organizations observe fewer breaches when they use a risk-based vulnerability management approach.


Discover and Understand the Complete Vulnerability Landscape 

Ordr uses a combination of API data collection, proprietary discovery methods, and AI/ML classification to deliver accurate asset visibility and context. This asset data, mapped with vulnerability databases, provides a holistic and up-to-date view of your entire attack surface:

  • Comprehensive vulnerability mapping via NVD, MITRE, ICS-CERT, FDA, Recall DB, OpenVAS
  • No blind spots. Detect vulnerabilities on IOT, IOMT and OT devices without impacting operations
  • Know if you’re vulnerable to a Zero Day. Ordr Scanner identifies zero days like Log4J, PrintNightmare, Ripple20
Vulnerability detection in the OrdrAI platform to reduce the attack surface.


Simplify Vulnerability Prioritization and Management 

CVSS scores aren’t enough! Security teams need to focus on the vulnerabilities that bring the biggest risks to the business. Ordr empowers teams with asset risk scores for a risk-based approach to vulnerability management:

  • Ordr Asset Risk Score considers factors like asset context, CVSS scores, vulnerability exploitability, type of data (encrypted), location and more
  • Ordr Software Inventory Collector delivers accurate OS, application and patching details
Improve your security posture with complete visibility and attack surface management for all of your digital assets with OrdrAI CAASM+.


Automate Remediation And Segmentation

Every unpatched vulnerability is a potential threat vector. Accelerate vulnerability remediation or mitigation with automated workflows and policies, assigned to the right owner.

  • Integrate with ITSM workflows and assign remediation to the right device owner
  • Create Zero Trust segmentation policies for assets running outdated operating systems that cannot be patched, limiting to baseline communications
  • Create segmentation policies for vulnerable assets until patches or resources are available
Accelerate investigation efforts and response with complete asset visibility and deep asset context

Customer Case Studies

OrdrAI for Securing Healthcare IoT, IoMT, and IT Assets. Discover the

The visibility that we now have into our networked devices and their software inventory gives us greater assurance that we are properly maintaining and securing our systems to ensure that we can continue to provide excellent service and patient care.

Stacy Estrada, Information Security Manager, Montage Health 
Financial Services Industry image with mobile payments

Using network architecture to help protect devices only goes so far if you can’t profile device behavior and understand existing vulnerabilities. The Ordr platform gives you that visibility to understand how every device is being used.

CISO, Financial Services Organization (788 Branches Across 17 States)
OrdrAI intelligence platform for Securing Healthcare IoT, IoMT, and IT Assets. Discover the

It’s eye opening when you put something like Ordr on your network, it improved our security and incident response capabilities

Jay Bhat CISO, Franciscan Alliance
Financial Services Industry Image with ATM Machine.

Asset discovery is extremely important but understanding what risks are around those assets is critical. Not all assets should be treated the same. If you don’t have an individual profile for each asset, your system treats them the same. Understanding assets and their risks is how CSOs should approach security.

CISO, Financial Services Organization (788 Branches Across 17 States)

Ready to Start Securing Your Assets?