Real-Time Asset Visibility And Management

Eliminate the need for manual methods and fine tuning with automated, real-time visibility and insights for every asset.

Visualization of the OrdrAI Intelligent Asset Management Platform with the Asset Summary and Device Profile Examples

person hours spent on asset Inventory


On average, security teams spend 90 person hours per week on manual asset collection.

Devices are blind spots



Most asset management solutions are blind to IOT, OT, IOMT devices that make up 40% of assets in a network.

Investigation Hours


It can take 24 hours and more to investigate an alert without accurate asset insights.


Comprehensive Asset Visibility

Reduce manual efforts to collect and reconcile asset information. Enable automated, accurate asset inventory using API data collection and Ordr’s proprietary Discovery Engine, complete with deduping and correlation to eliminate noise.

  • Deep context including make, model, OS, serial number, connectivity and more
  • Automated asset classification using AI/ML
  • Eliminate blind spots with IOT, OT, IOMT devices
  • Identify security gaps like assets missing EDR or MDM agents

Comprehensive Asset Visibility and Management visual for OrdrAI Asset inventory management platform.


CMDB Asset Reconciliation 

Enrich CMDB and other IT tools with the most comprehensive, accurate, and trusted insights for all assets. Ensure asset management databases are accurate and reflect the current state of your network.

OrdrAI Intelligent Asset Management Platform is a single source of truth for CMDB Asset Reconciliation 


Vulnerability Prioritization and Management

Streamline vulnerability management with risk scores based on their organization impact, allowing for targeted, effective resolution.

  • Comprehensive vulnerability management across every asset
  • Automate remediation workflows with ITSM, SIEM, SOC integrations
  • Assign remediation to the correct device owners
Know: Vulnerability and Prioritization with OrdrAI cyber asset inventory management platform.


SBOM Reporting 

Gain insights into the software components of your assets with Ordr Software Inventory Collector. Asset insights from Ordr Software Inventory Collector informs vulnerability management prioritization and identifies impact from Zero Days.

  • See details like OS patches, 3rd party software installed, anti-virus software status, disk encryption, BIOS password status
  • Understand impact from Zero Days like OpenSSL, MoveIT, Log4J
  • Support compliance and regulatory framework requirements
Real-time visibility with the Ordr Software Inventory Collector to inform vulnerability management prioritization.

Customer Case Studies

OrdrAI for Securing Healthcare IoT, IoMT, and IT Assets. Discover the

The visibility that we now have into our networked devices and their software inventory gives us greater assurance that we are properly maintaining and securing our systems to ensure that we can continue to provide excellent service and patient care.

Stacy Estrada, Information Security Manager, Montage Health 
Financial Services Industry image with mobile payments

Using network architecture to help protect devices only goes so far if you can’t profile device behavior and understand existing vulnerabilities. The Ordr platform gives you that visibility to understand how every device is being used.

CISO, Financial Services Organization (788 Branches Across 17 States)
OrdrAI intelligence platform for Securing Healthcare IoT, IoMT, and IT Assets. Discover the

It’s eye opening when you put something like Ordr on your network, it improved our security and incident response capabilities

Jay Bhat CISO, Franciscan Alliance
Financial Services Industry Image with ATM Machine.

Asset discovery is extremely important but understanding what risks are around those assets is critical. Not all assets should be treated the same. If you don’t have an individual profile for each asset, your system treats them the same. Understanding assets and their risks is how CSOs should approach security.

CISO, Financial Services Organization (788 Branches Across 17 States)

Ready to Start Securing Your Assets?