It’s not often that, in a high-tech industry like security, a company can pioneer an emerging market, and then continue to lead that market for the next five years. This is why our recognition as a Healthcare IoT Security market leader—for the third straight year—by KLAS Research in its latest report, “Healthcare IoT Security 2022: Moving beyond Device Visibility,” is such a milestone achievement for us.

We are so grateful to our customers who engaged with KLAS and provided feedback to them. We couldn’t have done it without you! Ordr received high marks from customers in the KLAS report for:

  • Breadth of functionality beyond just visibility, including abnormal activity identification, traffic monitoring, and device utilization tracking;
  • High customer satisfaction rates;
  • High value across multiple stakeholders including Security, Clinical/Biomed and IT;
  • Helpful training and education offerings, including the Masterclass webinar series;
  • User interface enhancements; and,
  • Strong technical background of the Ordr team in security, healthcare and networking.

There are several aspects of the report that are important to highlight.

1.     3-Time Leader with High Customer Satisfaction Rates

In 2019, when we first appeared in the KLAS report, the market was just emerging. In November 2020, we were named a market leader for the 2nd time. In 2022 again, we’re named a market leader. In the same report, KLAS highlighted our client list transparency.

For healthcare organizations, we emphasize the value of working with a partner with a consistent track record of leadership in healthcare. That consistency and focus is something we’re really proud of.

2.     Evolution of Our Customers from Visibility to Risk Insights and Security

Customers interviewed celebrated Ordr’s ability to provide value beyond device visibility. In its report, KLAS noted that, “Ordr customers (often very large health systems) use the platform to do more than simply see what devices are connected to their network—they also track device utilization, identify abnormal device activity, and monitor traffic.”

“Ordr customers (often very large health systems) use the platform to do more than simply see what devices are connected to their network—they also track device utilization, identify abnormal device activity, and monitor traffic.”

This is an important distinction.

As an early vendor in this market, working with so many large healthcare system customers over the last couple of years, our customers have moved beyond visibility (“See”) towards the “Know” and “Secure” part of their connected device security lifecycle. Many healthcare customers utilize Ordr as the source of truth for both device and network context as well as flow level analytics for policy generation. Our customers depend on us for critical risk and clinical insights, and we’ve successfully implemented Zero Trust policies to support their initiatives.

The KLAS report also celebrated our ability to deliver high value across the domains of different stakeholders. Observe the broad range of ways different users within a healthcare organization – Clinical/biomed engineering, security and networking– are using Ordr in these KLAS customer insights, and the outcomes we’ve delivered:

“On the clinical engineering side, the value of the product comes from utilizing the product. We look at whether things are performing as expected or whether the system requires patching. We can get patches from the vendor, but we may miss something, and that makes things very difficult. With Ordr’s system, we can identify which things have been patched and which haven’t. We are also feeding the data into the asset management tool so that we know exactly which systems are involved in our work. The data is very rich and useful.”

“I would definitely recommend the system. The major strength is complete visibility into the endpoints for the traffic that we send through the solution. That will assist us when we get into a more stringent RADIUS authentication requirement for our wired network. Another strength is the ability to see exactly what a device has talked to from either a profile view or a specific device view. We can see what ports were used, how many times the communication happened, and what the date and time were. We can get a rather slick visual representation of that and easily export it.”

“The biggest outcome is a significant decrease in the amount of incident response time. We have used Ordr Platform as a part of our incident response with ransomware. Because we couldn’t run our antivirus on our machines, we were able to go in and identify the specific machines in Ordr Platform and provide a picture to the field support. The network engineers had already logged in to Ordr Platform, saw the traffic, and then killed the port so that it couldn’t communicate. That was very handy so that when a field support person walked into the room, they knew exactly where they were going. We were able to get the medical devices back up and running on our network and segmented really quickly. Ordr made that quick turnaround happen. We have factored the utilization of Ordr Platform into our incident response plans. We have been able to reduce our response time by hours. We already had a really robust response time and plan, and the system sped things up significantly.”

3.     Preferred by the Top Healthcare Delivery Organizations (HDOs)

Top healthcare organizations, including 3 of the top 6 HDOs in the world use Ordr. Addressing the needs of these large and sophisticated healthcare organizations is NOT easy and requires a mature product that can meet requirements of accuracy, scale, resiliency and reliability. Our customers have higher levels of expectations with Ordr and we are a critical part of their mission critical security journey. Designing a system to discover 15,000 connected devices for asset inventory in a single hospital is far different than designing a solution for 500,000 devices across an entire healthcare system, delivering granular profiling, device flow mapping, clinical and security risk insights, and segmentation policies.

We are proud of the fact that as we continue to evolve our product and through our many years in the market, we continue to receive some of the highest ratings and deliver the highest levels of transparency to KLAS.

And when it comes to delivering value for healthcare providers, we are just getting started. Stay tuned to this space to see what’s coming next from Ordr.

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